
John and Tracy: an intimate wedding ceremony- Windansea Beach, La Jolla Wedding Photographer

When I got the call about Tracy and John’s wedding, it was definitely one of those moments where I felt ridiculously lucky. On the beach, in my favorite city, with a close intimate ceremony of only their children, their pastor, and little ole me. Eight people total- it just makes my heart swell.

La Jolla definitely has a different pace than our Orange County beaches. It’s usually less crowded, with a slower, simpler pace. I feel like that essence of La Jolla was perfect for John and Tracy’s wedding. The wedding was honestly breathtaking in the simplest, sweetest of ways. True, it wasn’t a traditional wedding, but there was something else that was just different about it. Such an honest and intimate ceremony right on the water (literally, our feet got wet!!) just begs for this graceful exchange of love and vows.  It was beautiful. John and Tracy, I can’t thank you enough for letting me share such a beautiful, special day with you guys.